数字艺术 & 设计


Gain the skills to manipulate computer graphics with ease. Our Digital Media program dives into the foundations behind digital design, while giving you the know-how to create exceptional content. Students use computer applications and visual techniques to manipulate images, 视频, and digital copy to communicate messages simulating real-world content. Our program includes instruction in software specific to commercial, 工业, 娱乐需求. Students are prepared to work in interactive multimedia in web development, 印刷及数码设计, 以及2D/3D电脑动画.

  • 项目跟踪

    HyFlex - HyFlex courses and programs give students the most flexibility and choices about how and when they take classes. Students have the ability to choose to attend classes face-to-face in person (synchronous), 实时在线直播(同步), online (asynchronous) OR any combination of the three.

  • 预计完成学位所需时间



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YCCC的数字艺术 & 设计方案 prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to the creation and manipulation of content for digital creative content. The program includes instruction in specialized computer software and applications for specific commercial, 工业, 娱乐需求 of creative digital content. Students gain knowledge and develop skills to work in the areas of interactive multimedia including storyboarding, 二维动画, 基本游戏设计, 3D对象和角色设计, 纹理 & lighting, animating, special effects, sound design, and rendering final output to a demo reel.




  • Demonstrate mastery of technical skills in traditional and digital media, 将设计原则运用到工作中.
  • Demonstrate broad knowledge of software applications related to digital media.
  • Develop media content that displays both current technical knowledge and traditional design principles.
  • Collaborate as a team in the development of media content from concept to production.
  • Communicate effectively with clients and colleagues in bringing ideas from concept to production
  • Research design trends to choose appropriate fonts, 图像, 以及一系列设计项目的颜色.
  • Analyze the appropriate demographic influences on design trends and product development responsibly and respectfully to complete various design projects.
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Graduates can find entry level positions in industries ranging from gaming and animation to film production, 特效屋, 和媒体精品店, 给建筑公司, corporate communication centers or web design. The growing field of digital media welcomes enthusiastic and creative, artistic individuals.


  • 迈克尔•李



    Birthed in the deep snow of CNY, and raised among the waves of the mighty St. 劳伦斯河, Michael moved to New England with his family as a youngster and fell deeply in love with the curmudgeonly Yankee culture so ingrained in this lovely foundation stone of America. Initially not receptive to traditional models of education, Michael grudgingly completed high school and worked for years in factory jobs, 专注于日常的日常生活. Eventually the calling of higher education and career based work lured him away from the production based labor force and into school where Michael studied Art and communication. 迈克尔对艺术特别感兴趣, as he had a natural proclivity and familiarity with due to his childhood and his father. 作为一个男孩, 他在父亲的画室里长大, 在他爸爸旁边画画和工作, watching him working and hearing stories about his Grandfather who was also an oil painter. This lifelong love of art would lead to college, which led to Michael’s natural teacher emerging to help other students who were struggling. This caught the attention of one of the instructors who encouraged Michael to continue studies at the Masters level and become a teacher of Art. 因为他热爱武术, Michael had been teaching for a while already in his dojo and knew he loved helping students learn. Now he pursued the educational credentials to go along with his natural love of teaching, and make teaching a career instead of just a hobby. Years of work in the private sector during his graduate work allowed Michael to accumulate experience relative to the areas he would teach, and provided a real world project based approach to teaching. Michael teaches in the areas of 平面设计, Animation, Gaming and traditional Art. His favorite thing about teaching is when he sees a student achieve something they previously doubted they were capable of, and the joy and confidence that achievement brings to them. 迈克尔住在多佛, NH with his wife Wendy and his 6 year old daughter Zella, who shares Michael’s love of art and creates drawings and sculptures with him almost daily. In addition to the teaching at the College and his Dojo, Michael is an artist and sculptor and frequently displays his work.


  • 行为健康研究


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